jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011


Greg and his wife Pam, daughter of retired CIA agent Jack, have five-year-old twins, Henry and Samantha.
Jack begins to experience significant health issues and appoints Greg to the new head of the family, the "Godfocker". However, he starts to have doubts about his decision, because he thinks Greg has an affair with Andi Garcia, a sexy pharmaceutical-company representative with whom he sells the erectile dysfunction drug Sustengo. This is not true, the impression is due to coincidences and drunkenness of Andi.[4] Jack even suggests to Pam that it might be better to divorce Greg and resume her relationship with Kevin Rawley, her former fiancé. Greg and Pam are annoyed by this.
In order to prove he can look after the family, Greg tries to get his children into a better school (although he almost blows the chance), build a new house (which has problems in the garden), and get his finances in order. Upon meeting Bob (Debbie's ex-husband), he tells Greg that he has never been happier after getting off "the hamster wheel" and that he was Jack's first choice to lead the family and gave him the name "The Bobfather", which makes him a little upset. Jack and Greg eventually make up at the twins' birthday party after a fight, in which Jack suffers a heart attack and Greg saves his life. The film ends four months later on Christmas Day when Jack, Dina, Bernie, and Roz come to spend Christmas with Pam and Greg in their new house and Greg's parents tell them that they are moving to Chicago and are going to move two houses down from theirs. To this, Jack and Dina say they will move too, because they also want to be close to their grandchildren, to which Bernie and Roz are delighted about, although both Pam and Greg insist neither move.
During the credits, Jack watches a video of Greg on YouTube in the credits and there is also a remixed version of it.

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